‘Is This Who We Are?’ — Follow-Up

A thoughtful rant by my friend Jill.
Hear Hear With Bells on Jill. We all have a responsibility to our fellow man whether we agree with him or not. What we must not allow is fr one side of a discussion to take control by way of threats and violence. You and your friends say it all admirably in your comments.

Filosofa's Word

What follows is a rant … proceed with caution.

Just over a week ago, 20 November, I published a post titled Is This Who We Are? , in which I related a story of a dedicated healthcare worker in Missouri who had been threatened and harassed for her role in trying to ensure the safety of the people in her area during this pandemic, thus she was resigning her position.  The post, oddly, proved somewhat controversial with some readers essentially shrugging their shoulders and saying, “Oh well … live and let live.”

One comment on that post that came in a few days later, however, broke my heart and for a week now it has weighed on my mind.  This reader is a blogging friend whom I have never met and likely never will, but over the course of the last several years, we have communicated and bonded through…

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🐥🐤⛵Barchette con crema di nocciola🍮🍰 Auguri di Buona Pasqua, rimaniamo tutti a casa🐥🐤⛵


Le ricette di Laura.

Bentrovati amici miei, chi pensava di trovarci in questa brutta situazione, una pandemia, un virus di cui non c’e’ ancora una cura, tanti morti, sopratutto anziani, loro sono la nostra storia, quanta sofferenza, il telegiornale e’ tutto centrato sul coronavirus, sui numeri di quanti sono contagiati, quanti guariti, quanti deceduti, e’ da piu’ di un mese che alle ore18 la protezione civile ci aggiorna sulle novita’, ascolto solo cose sicure, le fake non mi interessano! Restiamo a casa, rispettiamo le regole, i medici, le infermiere, angeli che lavorano per noi, chi lavora nei supermercati, i poliziotti, i carabinieri, le guardie giurate e tanti altri che rischiano la vita mentre a noi viene chiesto solo di rimanere a casa, proprio cosi’! E siamo arrivati a Pasqua, restiamo a casa, mettiamo le protezioni per uscire per la spesa, usiamo il buon senso, ricordiamoci che in questo periodo siamo tutti nella stessa barca…

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Senility before Sunset.

I don’t sleep well. In fact, days where I manage 4 hours are unusual but very welcome. I don’t know if this is still the malign influence of Somnos or whether it’s just habit. I know that when people ask me about it I just laugh, shake my head and tell them it’s just the way I am and makes no difference to who I am and what I do. Or so I thought.

I had not slept on a Monday night so there was no chance I’d miss my early departure to go mooching with my daughter.We each try to discourage the other from spending. It doesn’t work of course but it’s fun trying. She is after a founder member of Shoppers -ing Unlimited.Anyway, I had a good day but for some reason I didn’t sleep Tuesday night either. I slept for 3 hours on Wednesday morning so I’d be fresh to play yahtzee and cards with my brother.I’m guessing he slept more than 3 hours.

Wednesday night  sleep was in short supply too. But after lunch on Thursday I knew I could grab a couple of hours while my cleaner was here. She arrived and I excused myself after finding out how things were in her world. I lay  on my bed and dropped off pretty quickly. I claim to be a light sleeper who wakes to a cockroach fart. Unfortunately I don’t know how many times Sharon had called me before it finally sank in and brought me back from whatever depths I was occupying.I responded to her and asked what was wrong. “I haven’t been paid” she said. I threw myself off the bed, got what I needed and went through to the lounge and handed her pay over. She looked puzzled until it clicked I hadn’t given her the usual box of sweets and a cream  cake. I got them from the kitchen  and handed them over with a smile. She still looked somewhat puzzles though she did say thank you. “But I haven’t been paid yet” she said. I looked at her hand and the money I’d handed her and say two nearly exhausted rolls of sellotape. To be fair they were still sticky but it seemed I’d short changed her and had to retrieve them and go get her money from the bedroom. I refuse to accept the charge of senility and feel sure that a roll of sellotape an hour is fair pay for fair work.

For all my friends who are readying themselves for Christmas, get a move on it’s almost here. I’m looking for volunteers to wrap presents if anyone is free. To the rest of my friends I offer compliments  of the season and hoppe you aren’t unfortunate enough to live next door to anyone who celebrates Christmas and has children.

Huge Hugs to All

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New Book Release

Made leader of an army of men and entrusted with the lives of thousands of people, Mark Taggart must fight armies, beasts and a darkly magical being to make it back home, save his family, and right an ancient crime.

Amazon Print: https://amzn.com/1075249910

Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.com/B07TMYWQY2

Smashwords (all e-book formats are available here): https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/946599

Barnes and Noble Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1132415820?ean=2940163273706

Apple IBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1472075239

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Science fantasy at it’s best.

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Waking unprepared

I just woke in my bed where I went at 5.15 am to 6.48 am. I woke in a bit of a panic and immediately went to sit at my desk to try and make sense of it all. I just woke at my desk at  6.57 am with a burning cigarette in my lap with my dressing gown browning nicely but luckily no holes yet in this one. I had been dreaming of two first cousins being with me, the intention being that I should be marrying one of them, either of them would suit the family. Also, and this panicked me more than anything was the news my beloved daughter had been adopted out while I slept. I was bereft. Itg was 7.05 am before my head cleared enough to realise I’ve watched too many Long Lost Family and family adoption videos on Youtube.

The real panic set in when I realised I could have lost my Shopaholic Baby for 40+ years of her life and been searching for someone I didn’t know for all that time. That I would have lost my BFF who just happens to be my daughter too. It’s now 7.32 am and my heart is just slowing down as I realise the terrible fright didn’t actually take place and it was just a very real dream. Something that rarely happens to me. 

I’ve watched heart wrenching videos of children looking for their birth parents for half a century and more or vice versa and in the main felt the joy of them connecting. There have been cases of children finding birth parents through DNA databases or of finding missing  siblings on ‘Long Lost Family’  where the search has proved to be too late for a parental connection.Often people find siblings they had no idea about. I think for me it proves that undergoing these searches is a necessity to fill a void in their life, even though adopted children often have a very happy upbringing. Sometimes they just do it to find out their ethnicity and  medical history because it impacts on their own children, but what they find is joy. It makes me feel comfortable being a voyeur on their special moments. I do  share their moments of emotion with them and make sure I have tissues handy in case a cold wind hits my eyes as happens more often than not.

Hugs to all.

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Beauty on a Sunday

Meeka's Mind

I’ve been working in Corel all morning and decided to take a break by doing a jigsaw puzzle [on jigsawplanet.com]. The pic above is the the finished puzzle.

That glorious, circular stair captivated me so much, I went looking for more information. The photo was taken by a New York photographer/travel writer by the name of Vivienne Gucwa. Click the link to see her website – NY Through the Lens. It’s well worth a visit. I definitely enjoyed it. 😀

As for the actual staircase, it’s somewhere in the Museum of Gustav Moreau in Paris. This is a view down through the spiral:

Makes me want to hop on a plane and go see it for myself. -sigh-

And here’s the link to the Flickr account  on which I found the pic.

Okay, back to work. I hope you’re all having a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.



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The Noble Art of Peeing in a Bottle.

Monday. It was 12.35 am when I’d finished two quick chapters last night and my lights went out. It was 2.46 am when I got up. I quickly made my bed, cleared my office chair of the stuff I’d put there last night, donned my dressing gown and made my way to the kitchen via the loo. First job was the washing, then once that was going on quickwash I took my inhalers,took my tablets and filled my mug with milk. There was just enough in the milk carton for my mug so I turned to the sink to wash the carton out to add it to my recycling bag. Oh hell, there’s a spider in the sink and I don’t think he’s too chuffed that as I moved the bowl he was caught in the glare from the light. I had to fight my natural inclinations and kind of caught him in the trifle bowl from last night. I had to keep moving it so his feet couldn’t get purchase as I walked to the front door, opened it and tossed him out of the bowl into the garden. If he happens not to be an outside spider then it’s a case of hard luck. I shut the door, returned to the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster. Now I’ve seen Harry Potter and I know Aragog was a very rare spider raised by Hagrid, I just has to hope he isn’t pissed off enough with what I’ve just done to come and take his revenge. The washing finished and I put the drying cycle on. It should be ready to come out about 6.00 am.  After the usual tussle with my meds and my breakfast I retired with a coffee to my computer and started the emails. Apart from last nights lot there were periods of full flow and periods of trickle but at 9.27 am it seemed there was a halt in the flow so I decided to go for a kip, even at the risk of missing HUtH. I did catch at least some of my programme but yes, I did nod off in my chair. It must have been for a good hour or so.  But I was awake in time to make my lunch which today was braised steak and carrots with mashed potatoes. I watched Bargain Hunt while I ate and then returned to work.                                                                                                                                Since leaving work at 9.30 ish and not returning until 1.00 pm, the work had built up a lot so it was time to get my head down, and I don’t mean on the desk for a sleep. I concentrated on the screen and started whittling it down. Obviously as I worked more came in despite the cursing under my breath but I remember it was 5.12 pm when I dotted my last………dot, and crossed my last ‘t’. With a very muted cheer (remember the neighbours) I went to the lounge. I turned the TV on for an episode of the Antiques Road Trip and was very disappointed to find it was one I’d seen recently. I know I say I’m going senile and my memory is poor but come on BBC, really? I turned back to Pointless. As 6.00 pm approached I was strangely peckish and was wondering what to have when I remembered some beautiful baked honey ham I bought on Saturday. I had a couple of slices between two rounds of toast. It was lipsmackingly wonderful. After I’d washed up I put Stargate SG1 on for background noise and leafed through my TV mag, At 8.00 pm though the Early 20th C Canadian Policeman whose name I can’t remember now (senility remember). It was good. But then that was enough and I came back through. Lots of lovely work waiting for me and it’s taken until now 11.09 pm to finish.

cooling off in tea

Tuesday.  I find perception an odd thing at times. My light went out no later than 12.15 am last night. I seemed to have been awake for ages and indeed thought I was going to the loo when I actually woke up to go to the loo at 1.22 am. I came back to bed knowing I could sleep again and after I’d righted my bed, and I so rarely move it an inch, I did fall asleep. Then I woke as usual at 2.27 am when I expected it to be so much later because I perceived I had slept longer. Then I sign into here and it tells me I was here 3 hours ago. At 3.00 m I went to the kitchen and took my meds and put two pieces of bread in the toaster. As soon as it clicked up I reversed the bread so the un-toasted side would be done but I had to be ready to click it off so the middle didn’t become too brown and maybe burnt. I caught it just about right and had two full rounds of toast for a change, One was lightly buttered with a covering of strawberry jam. The other piece was just layered with butter. Both pieces were then cut in half  lengthways. I ate the first jam laden piece and too my first two diabetic tabs, then I ate the second jam one and the first of the buttered ones only to find I was struggling and couldn’t eat the last piece. I’d have been much better off just toasting the half and as usual cutting off the un-toasted bit for the birds. I took the last two tablets and made my coffee.                                                          The mail is ready for me to have another go with 47 in at that point though just as I was getting to the end another 12 came in ten of which were from the same person liking a variety of posts I’d done. They were soon dealt with and my first chance of a break was at 5.53 am. Oops change that to 6.09 am. Time to get dressed and groom myself with my beard oil. Shoes on and pick up my bag of goodies from the lounge so I don’t forget to take them. I left the house at 6.55 am without forgetting anything. The bus came just before ten past and I was quickly on my way. It didn’t arrive in Chester until 8.35 am by which time Yvonne was already walking Reuben down to school. I had to get a move on and follow her. It was lovely when Roobs ran across the playground to me. A little less so when Amelie followed and just passed me her doll. We left and went for coffee and I was able to give her the goodie bag. She thought it hilarious the huge box that came with Amelie’s 7cm square book inside. She liked the outfits I’d got the kids and even the pair of leggings I’d got her. She loved the Fat Face voucher I’d bought her and didn’t slap my face. After coffee we went to Fat Face so she was able to get a dress to go away to Ireland with. Soon enough after our mooching (and the purchase of another air of jeans) it was time to catch my bust home. As usual they walked me to the bus stop and waved me off. I picked up sausage and chips from the chippie when I got off the bus and headed for home.                                                                                                                                                       After lunch I couldn’t avoid work any longer and faced what was there, 103. It was 4.45 pm when I finished and was able to go through to the lounge. I was channel hopping a lot and couldn’t settle anywhere but sometime before 8.00 pm I nodded off and missed the one programme I was ready to watch. Just to run salt in the wound I woke in the closing moments. I took my meds and came through to finish up for the night. It’s 11.38 pm and I’m close.

If you’re squeamish look away but don’t miss listening, this is a great record.

Wednesday. Lights out 12.15 am this morning back on at 2.18 am when I got up. I cleared my chair and logged into the computer before going to the loo. It’s pee in the little bottle day. Now I hate to brag, but those little bottles, I could fill one twice if I tried. It might take a while with the old stop-start but I’m game. Of course I only needed it once and you don’t get fresher in the morning than this. Of course this is where the problems can start as I now have a bottle, a top and a, well call it what you willie, but I only have two hands. You see the problem. Do I attempt to seal the bottle and move on, which of course risks wetting my feet, or do I stand with my feet apart ready to access the mop bucket? In the end of course I kept both bottle and top in one hand and allowed the guiding hand to carry on until done. That allows me to finish, to seal the bottle and place it in a bag before putting it in my pocket then washing my hands thoroughly. Then time to head back to my bedroom with dry feet and start work.                                                                   My appointment was at 8.50 am but I have to leave the house at 7.55 am to be at the bus stop at 8.05 am to get my breath back and in case the bus appears early.If I went for the bus due at 8.40 am it would probably appear late due to works traffic and I’d miss the appointment. So I duly left the house and started the climb. The bus was a couple of minutes early and I was in Holywell for 8.10 am. I had to walk round the Lidl Supermarket to waste a little time and ended up buying a bag of lollipops for the kids. I left there at 8.30 am and reached the surgery ten minutes later. I gave the receptionists or care Providers as they’re now known some chocolates and started the process of joining the ‘online gang’ so I can order prescriptions and appointments online. When I was called into the Sister’s room (by TV message now) I got gold stars all round. My feet were good though to be fair they seldom misbehave. My blood sugar was good, protein in my pee was fine, my BP was good and I’ve lost two kilos since last time (That’s not very good though since it’s either 6 months or a year since I was last there). Just before I left she asked about my smoking and I agreed I still do. Just to prove it I lit up as soon as I was out of the gate, I also stuck a fruit pastille in my mouth. I had to wait about 20 minutes for the bus but it wasn’t raining.                                                                                    Work had been piling up while I was away so I settled into that as soon as my coat was off. I found it quite cool in the house. I stopped for lunch at midday, a cottage pie and two slices of fresh bread from the loaf I bought yesterday. Might as well put the 2 kilos back on to keep me warm. At 1.00 pm I settled for a pre-match snooze with lasted until 2.50 pm, then back to work until 4.30 pm. Dil arrived just after I’d prepared his mug so I almost had a cup of tea waiting before he reached the lounge. It’s quite simple, I love my brother. We watched an Antiques Road Trip and then at 6.00 pm started to play. I lost the first two games and by the skin of my teeth recovered some pride on the third. It’s quite simple, I used to love my brother. Whatever happened to respect for the elderly? At 9.00 pm once I’d cordially seen him out of the front door and applied all the locks I came through to start my last session of the day. It’s 11.43 pm and I’m close.


One of my beautiful cousins who was 80 yesterday. Yes, all the cakes are hers.

Thursday. 12.35 am and lights out. Not because I’d finished reading but because the piggin’ bulb blew. Up again at 3.44 am and had to turn the main light on first so I could see to change the bulb which luckily I had one of in the bedroom. Off to the loo and then the kitchen where I gather about me a hill of pills and an array of sprays and put two slices of bread in the toaster. Though I was fairly generous with the butter at least I felt righteous that no jam was involved. Back to my room with a coffee I turn the computer on. This morning I was inspired when a friend posted this. It reduced me to tears.

I confess though it doesn’t seem to take much to set me off these days. DIY SOS, bawl, the end of 60 Minute Makeover, bawl, Goodbye Mr Chips with Robert Donat and I’m down on the floor howling.I worked until 9.05 am then got dressed and went out. Pauline’s first, she may have lost the lottery terminal but I don’t want her to go out of business. I got my cigs from her and a small box of teabags that I think were gold plated. I picked up a small loaf too so I’m covered till Saturday. Then over to the One Stop where I got another pack of teabags , much bigger and at a better price. I also got my lottery tickets and working from my new list there were no mistakes. I came home, unpacked my stuff, mocked Joey for singing to the bird in the mirror, stubbed my bad toe, cursed and went back to work. I was getting close to an end at about 10.15 am but I just put my hands in the air and said No, I’m going to watch Aaaarghh, an angina attack from having my hands over my head. It’s just as well my nitro spray is near my chair in the lounge so I was able to take a dose and turn the TV on until the headache hit. It turned out not to be  too violent today so I didn’t turn the TV off, instead I turned me off and went to sleep. That was it until 11.50 am. I went through to the kitchen to look at doing lunch. I saw my baby potatoes were all sprouting and I wasn’t a happy bunny as they had a date of the 20th May on them. I took the eyes out of half a dozen and stuck them in the micro for 9 minutes. I laid some corned beef out on a plate ready and added a pudding to the tray and my diabetic tabs. Just before Bargain Hunt I was ready to go. It wasn’t an unpleasant meal but I’m not sure I was ready for it then. After Bargain Hunt I washed the pots and went back to my room to work. I was there until 4.50 pm Then I’d had enough and just sat with The Antiques Road Trip which I didn’t manage to see till the end as I zonked again. I was back with it about 6.40 pm and couldn’t remember turning over to watch a programme about railway journeys. When I realised I’d been asleep I shook myself awake and got down to some serious viewing. Well at 8.00 pm I did when I watched Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and Amy’s wedding then Young Sheldon. Tablets out of the way at 9.00 pm I came back through for the last battle. An early one I hope. 11.20 pm and I’m almost done.

Friday. Light out at 12.22 am another book finished. Awake at 2.26 am. I turn the computer on as I’m too early for breakfast. Then, 2.40 am I remember that it’s drugs day and that has to be done before I can have my breakfast so it doesn’t matter if I start a little early. I was only ten minutes late with my breakfast. I had toast for a change but being such a rebel, I did without the jam again. After I’d finished eating and taking my last two tablets, I went on to making my coffee which threatened to overflow the mug as it’s a Grande size pod. Not true, as the pods are the same size but the bar code must indicate more water be used. So, getting close to the top I pulled my mug clear so the excess could go straight in the drip tray. As I put the mug down I was attacked by the loaf I’d bought yesterday which fell off it’s perch straight onto my hand causing my coffee to spill over the work surface. That was a few sheets of kitchen roll I’ve lost forever.I took what remained of my drink to my desk and started work again. One message came from John to say that Muriel’s hands were too swollen to drive so they wouldn’t be over today. John forbade me to eat his biscuits. As I wasn’t now going out today I worked until 10.00 am and awarded myself a break with HUtH. As is usual recently I got through the first two properties and faded to the land of Zzzz for the third and stayed there until 11.45 am. Time to hustle and get my dinner. Luckily I had one left from last weekend, sausage mash carrots and peas with onion gravy all in a large Yorkshire pudding. It wasn’t bad. After lunch there was the feeling of a kip coming on but I fought back and came back to work. I worked till three then took a break, yes the eyelids were heavy but I wanted to see Escape to the Country. By all that’s holy I managed it. Sometimes I even surprise myself. Back to work until 4.30 pm then relax until 6.00 pm when I went for a shower. No washing my hair though and putting my hands over my head. Sharon washed it yesterday. After the shower I had some tinned pears, watched whatever rubbish was on then SG1 until 8.00 pm and Miss Fisher’s Murder Mystery. 9.00 pm of course saw me turning everything off, including Joey if his expression was anything to go by. It was time to come back to work. I was horrified today at the news of yet another school shooting and another 10 innocent lives taken plus that of a teacher. I’m getting to hate coming to the computer these days.


Saturday. Lights out before midnight last night, at about 11.45 pm. An early night. I woke at 1.58 am this morning. It’s been bothering me a bit that I read somewhere last night that yesterdays school shooting was the third in a week. I checked this morning and can see why the others weren’t headline news since there was only on casualty in each case, and the second one was actually the shooter. Neither resulted in a death for a change. But it’s two more occasions where a student (or ex-student) of an age where anger knows no control, has taken a gun to school. Schools need to be able to afford security measures of some kind, but definitely not armed teachers. It’s getting to be like, in an age of fruit cakes, there’s competition to be the nuttiest fruit cake of all.                                                      My breakfast was at 3.00 am, predictably it was jam on one round of toast and just butter on the other. Once over I made my coffee to bring back. There was plenty of mail to keep me going.One piece in particular made me think. Caitlyn Kelly, a well known journalist in both the US and Canada had asked whether there was a particular thought we have that we daren’t put in writing on our blogs or in the social media in general. I thought about her points regarding trolls and also felt I could detect a worry that these days what you publish can get you fired. I sympathise with her but these days there isn’t anything I couldn’t write about if I felt strongly enough. The obvious problem these days is feeling too much about things.                                                     https://broadsideblog.wordpress.com/2018/05/19/the-blog-post-i-dare-not-publish/ About 4.30 am things came to a bit of a halt so I thought I’d try an hour in my chair before having to go out just before 7.00 am for my bus. I got an hour and a half and was in plenty of time to dress and to go out. The supermarket had been open about ten minutes when I got there but the place was quiet, as I like it. more staff than customers. I got cash from the machine then started a slow stroll about the place, picking up things at my leisure.I was standing outside with 3 big bags full at 8.05 am waiting for my taxi. Like last week I was home by twenty past. The driver was a young lady and I didn’t mean to be demeaning when we arrived and I said not to bother getting the bags out of the boot, I’d do it. “No, it’s OK” she told me and picked up all three bags and carried them to my front doorstep without breaking a sweat. She deserved a good tip for impressing me so much. I got in, put the food away, traded insults with Joey then started work again. 10.05 pm and all was quiet on the Western Front. The postman came and brought me a voucher for Tesco’s. A new card came for my Nectar card and when I registered it I found almost 11,000 points on there worth 54 pounds. It could be good news week under some circumstances. I took a break until 11.15 am then had a very quick catch up before lunch. Beef stew and dumplings this one. I put a very old film on and scared myself, scarred myself even by knowing most of the actors. I returned to work at 3.00 pm knowing America would  be online now. Then went back again at 6.00 pm to let my brain unload as I chilled and had something to eat. A French stick sandwich with beautiful finely sliced, crumbed ham. At 9.00 pm I came through for my last battle. 11.00 pm and I’m done.

Sunday. In bed by 11.30 pm I decided to read one short story from a book about Witches of all kinds by authors whose names are not known to me except that of Neil Gaiman and his name was enough to sell it to me. So far I haven’t been disappointed one jot. It’s called Under My Hat, Tales from the Cauldron. I got up at 1.57 am, not understanding why it was cool and dark. Yes, the concept of night is known to me yet seemed a little alien just then. I roused myself for long enough to start the mail, with a break for breakfast and coffee at 3.00 am. By 5.15 am I was able to go and sit in my chair in the lounge. It was almost 7.00 am before I woke to Joey singing ‘Oh what a Beautiful Morning’ and that was the first time I ever knew he liked musicals. No wonder he gets peeved when I turn them off. I opened his cage door for him. Knowing I had plenty of time I decided to fill some bottles in the kitchen, no, not like earlier in the week, I decanted from a large Pepsi Max bottle into smaller Pepsi Max bottles that are much easier to handle for popping pills, having by the bedside and also having on my side table in the lounge. Decanting it also gives it the chance to become a little flat thus resulting in less hiccups for me. If I bought the little bottle size every week it would cost a fortune and you’d hear me coming a mile away.                                                                             At about 8.30 am I returned to work and once I was clear I was able to get dressed. I spent the majority of the morning going back and forth between my desk and the lounge. I wanted to be as clear a possible when the time came to go out. I had a message from my nephew that he’d pick me up about noon (I hope his back’s in good condition). He lied, it was almost five past. I hadn’t long paid a visit to the desk so I was as up to date as it was possible to get without employing a mind reader. We arrived a little early at the venue which was a golf club (one of the woods) but it wasn’t too many minutes before Joanne arrived came for hugs then went inside. Lee got Nathan out of the car and they started taking bags inside for me. Except for Lee’s birthday prezzies which we left where they were until Tuesday. I stayed smoking a cigarette in the car park while Jen was inside the car with their youngest son Elliot asleep. I finished my cigarette and went inside, It was nicely decorated. Before long people I knew were arriving, my four cousins with their respective partners, my brother Dil and his wife brought their daughter Jessica with her two children and of course Yvonne arrived with my two monsters. Soon the place was packed with Karen’s family and friends . There were numerous none to subtle reminders of it being her 50th around like big signs that said “You are 50” and “50 Today”, She needed armed guards for the gifts. Her actual birthday is Wednesday but she’s going to Ireland so we got the insults out of the way today. She was having a lovely time.There was nice food on so I was able to take some tablets. There was live music and children careering around the floor at knee height. Soon enough it was time for people to depart. The cousins went, Dil and clan left. Yvonne’s taxi came to take her to the station and Lee and Jen almost got away before I caught them. It was a slow journey home as the grockles were going home after their holidays or their weekends and the roads were jampacked. Once I got in I had to go straight to work to catch up and that took from 4.30 pm to 7.15 pm. After that I went in to watch the idiot box and promptly fell asleep. I didn’t wake till 9.20 pm. 11.55 now.


I want to wish you a happy new week and remind you to keep sharing those smiles and hugs with those who haven’t any of their own. One day we will have peace through kindness. This is my last blog and I want you to know that I’ve had a blast over the years in such good company and you know that many of you are very special to me from what we’ve shared over all this time. Thank you all so very much for all your kindnesses. I wish you all much happiness in the future. I’ve closed comments off this time as I couldn’t easily say goodbye to you all individually.                                                               Huge Hugs, David


Filed under Uncategorized

Angry Bird Takes the Cake.

Monday. Lights out roughly 12.45 am, seemed to have a hard time sleeping. Upandat’em time this morning 2.53 am. Went through put the washing on, took meds blah, blah, blah. Came back with my coffee to face the day. I’d forgotten that I posted the blog last night so the amount of post came as a bit of a surprise. Heck though, that’s going to take some while to clear. I’d put the washing on it’s drying cycle before I cam through so I was keeping my eye on the clock so I didn’t forget it this week. I might have done but by chance I’d just walked my mug through to the kitchen at 6.10 am when the machine turned off. I really must learn to concentrate as I fund I’d put the cycle on for drying wool so it came out a bit damper than normal. No problem though, the airer will do the job. I carried on working until 8.05 am when the incoming had slowed. Time to get dressed and see if Joey will let me get away with a kip in my chair. He did until 9.15 am when he fell off his perch and blamed me. I walked out in the middle of being berated in a screech and took some cake next door to Bert. I swear I could still hear Joey.                    Once I’d had a chat with Bert I came back in very quietly and restarted work hoping he’d have forgotten the tantrum (his not mine) when I next went through there. That was at 10.00 am for an episode of HUtH with one in Wales again. I turned the TV on quickly in order to drown Joey out but he’d taken to turning his back to me and chunnering quietly under his breath. I’m sure he was swearing which language he could not possibly have picked up from me. Typically I nodded of before the end of the programme but it didn’t last long as Joey let out an almighty squawk at 11.10 am and I woke to see where the murder  was. Until today I wasn’t sure budgies could look smug.                                               I returned to my mail to try and keep on top of it. The weather is more than glorious today so that as noon approached I couldn’t face a cooked meal and settled for some peppered beef and some honey ham sandwiches. Very nice. I found an episode of Cold Case on the TV to watch while I ate. Turned out it was the Basketball star’s coach who killed him. Between 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm I titivated and kept abreast of the mail but at 5.00 pm I went to have some tea and watched three episodes of Murder in Paradise from the original series and the first episode of Sanctuary. My eyes were square by 9.00 pm when I came through. It’s 11.30 pm nearly and I should have finished in a few minutes.

Tuesday. I know specifically that a friend had wished me a sleep of no less than three hours last night. I’ve decided that these are the occasions when Somnos treats it as a direct challenge. So because I read until I actually finished my current book was finished because I was so close, my light didn’t actually go off until 1.41 am. Unfortunately my eyes were open and I was awake in time to decide I wasn’t going back to sleep at what I thought was 2.47 am but on closer inspection, up and with my glasses on , proved to be 2.17 am. A little over an hour and a half. I’m glad it wasn’t a group prayer. At 3.00 am I paused processing my mail and went to get my breakfast and pill cocktail. Taking my coffee back to my desk later I noticed my balance had increased. One Post in particular I found very disappointing  https://grondamorin.com/2018/05/08/ny-ag-eric-schneiderman-was-forced-to-resign-amid-sexual-assault-charges-by-4-women/ in that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has resigned. Schneiderman who has long been a champion of abused women and who has also challenged Trump in the courts for his fraudulent University charges has been accused by 4 women of sexual assault and misconduct. I don’t doubt the four women and I want justice for them but I just feel that some of Trump’s problems will go away now too. At 6.00 am I went to sit in my chair and I was expecting big things but it just didn’t happen. I stayed there till almost 8.00 am though and then caught up again and got dressed. A few minutes after 9.00 am I went to deliver my prescription request to the Chemist’s and called in at Pauline’s for bread, my TV magazine, some micro chips and my cigarettes. At home I put things away then came through to see what I’d got. From my point of view I was pleased. I have a store loyalty card for points earned on what you buy which for a long time I’ve been using on Ebay. Only recently I found that Ebay said my card was no longer valid so I’ve been chasing it up. It seems that mine was a secondary card to Ju’s which really should have made no difference as I’ve never cancelled it. But, they’re going to give me a new one anyway and transfer all my points which it seems are about 10,000 or in cash terms about £50.00. Any new points on Ebay I should be able to spend on there and I can also spend them via Argos a store in the UK. At 10.00 am I had Homes Under the Hammer after which I came back to work for an hour. At midday I put a lamb shank in the micro and had it with the chips I’d bought earlier. I watched Bargain Hunt and managed to see it all. As soon as it was over though I had a two hour nap. I worked till 5.30 pm then had some tea, I watched my evening programmes but slept an hour through Sanctuary, the second part of one I saw last night. I came back after taking my 9.00 pm drugs and caught up on my evening’s work. 11.48 pm now and almost done.

High swing

Wednesday, My clock said 12.32 am as the light went out last night. I wasn’t cold but I snuggled down to try and get to sleep faster. Who knows whether it worked but I knew I’d been to sleep when I woke up and got up this morning at 2.21 am.I had time to log on and start the battle before I went for my breakfast at 3.01 am. Once that was done I came back with my coffee and started catching up. I was secretly seething a bit to know Trump was going to refuse to renew the nuclear agreement with Iran despite what his advisers said and his allies too. I would do a blog on this later. At 8.05 am I went through to my chair and grabbed 40  80 winks. I completely missed my HUtH today. I had no intention of going out so was able to revert back to work without worry. I worked up to almost midday before going to put a beef dinner in the microwave. I put Cold Case on the TV and enjoyed my lunch hour but either I’ve seen this or a similar episode before or I’m a really good Sherlock Holmes.                                                                                                              At 1.00 pm I went back to work and to wait for Sharon who ( no I haven’t lost my mind, I know it’s Wednesday) is coming a day early so she can be at an ante-natal class with her daughter. She’s not sure how grandmahood will sit with her yet. Her bus was a bit late today so she didn’t arrive until gone half past one. I let her get a drink before I went through to see how she is. She washed my hair and in a general conversation about shopping she offered to go for me though I know she hates crowds almost as much as I and has many a time had to abandon a basket or trolley and run. I refused but with gratitude that she’d even try. She left at 3.30 pm to get home to her family leaving me to potter a bit as though I’d nothing to do. Dil arrived at 4.30 pm and I went to make him a cuppa. We nattered about the weather and about family then watched our usual quiz before starting to game. At the start of Yahtzee things were looking grim. He won the first 3 games but I pulled my socks up (despite them being in the bedroom) and won the next three to even up. I won the next 4-2 giving me the overall advantage. Dil fought back bitterly and took the Nomination Whist with a good score making us 1-1. The cribbage was battle royal with us each edging into the lead at some point but I was victorious and perhaps a little less than generous with my shouts of “In your face loser” as he made ready to go. It was raining enough to hide the streaks on his tear laden cheeks as he walked to his car. I almost had a touch of conscience but  I shrugged those off easily enough. I took my tabs and came through to work. It’s midnight now and I’ve just a bit left to do.

Thursday. My two chapters were mercifully short last night, I found myself tired. Lights out at 12.32 am with a wake up this morning of 2.42 am. First job check the bank to ensure pension gone in. That done I adjusted some payments due to be changed and then started my mail until time for my drug cocktail at 3.00 am. One or two messages include details of re-blogs on yesterday’s Buthidar’s post. Their points were even more clear than mine and yet fully agreed with me. I can’t know how many would agree with me that Trump needs to go. After breakfast I returned to work and the new mail. I finished at 6.52 am or caught a temporary lull at least. Of course I headed for my chair and within minutes was practising the buzz saw until 8.03 am. I notice Joey with cotton wool in his ears when I woke. No wonder my medical supplies never last long. I got ready to go out then took a walk over to The One Stop (the local 7-11) for a couple of things, first and foremost my lottery tickets. I’ve been going for 4 weeks now and giving them my list, the first two weeks it was fine then last week and this week they made a balls of it. Last week I was charged £2 too much as he’d run an extra ticket off as duplicate. I accepted it in case it was a lucky one. This week they printed one ticket short but charged the right amount and we had to go through them to discover he’s put two lines on the same ticket for different days but used the same numbers, it should have been two separate tickets. I shall rewrite the list for next week to make sure there can’t be any mistakes in future. (Unless I’m counting my ill gotten gains somewhere in the sun).                                               Once I got home I started work again. Darren the postman came with something I was expecting. I left feedback and carried on. It was 11.58 am before I could knock off. I had a chicken dinner, watched Bargain Hunt and then settled down for a sleep of nearly two hours. Instead of going to work I watched Escape to the Country even though Joey berated me for skiving. The chemist came with my drugs but some were missing. I just hoped they were ones I hadn’t run out of.  I went back to work and stayed later until 5.45 pm. I ate some tinned pears with evaporated milk then settled in front of the TV. I was waiting for 8.00 pm and my new episode of Big Bang Theory followed at 8.30 pm by Sheldon. After that I was happy enough to come back through and take on the assault course that is my mail. It’s 11.43 pm and I’m just about done.

cool princess

Friday. I was in bed for midnight and read until I turned the light out at 12.46 am. It was a nice surprise to open my eyes to read 3.49 am and I even put my glasses on to check it. I went through to the kitchen to take my meds and once that was done to fill up the containers for another week. Then I had chance to put bread in the toaster and get my diabetic meds out. I cleared away the empty foil from the other tablets and put a couple of empty boxes in the recycling.  I buttered one piece very lightly ready for the jam and put butter on the other with a trowel. Since my toaster is stupid these are not full rounds. The jam went on the first piece and then both pieces were cut in two. I ate one piece of jam then took my first two tablets then I ate the second jam followed by the buttered pieces. I took the last two tablets one at a time with milk then made sure there  was enough in my mug for a coffee. I put the kettle on. Since my pods have run out until I can get to the supermarket, I had an instant coffee. Just as well I buy a decent brand for Michael. At 4.50 am it was back to my bedroom and into battle. It was battle that lasted until just before 8.00 am. I thought about getting dressed but what the heck, it wasn’t like I was going anywhere. Well, no further than my chair in the lounge and who needs socks for that. I fell asleep, No, really! Major surprise. (These fingers can be so sarcastic when they want). I slept till 9.20 am then had to dash back to my room to make sure I could get away for HUtH, and also to get dressed as I remembered my little chemist girl would be knocking on my door today. So would the postie with luck.                                                        I got the numbers down to a workable level then went to watch the TV. I missed where the first house was when Darren knocked on the door with a parcel for me. Annoyingly I missed the last house altogether as I fell asleep again though only for twenty minutes. I had time to come back and actually catch up again before it was time for lunch. I settled on boiled baby potatoes, corned beef and beans and the potatoes were starting to sprout so I had to throw away what I didn’t use. Just as well I’m shopping tomorrow. If I can stay awake long enough that is. Anyway, once lunch and Bargain Hunt were over I returned to work. At some stage my girl delivered the missing drugs from yesterday. It’s funny how often it’s the same ones. I went through at 3.00 pm only to find it had been on early today so I caught just the last 15 minutes. I did however find another channel with something that occupies me for an hour. At 4.00 pm it was back to work yet again until 5.30 pm then it was time for a sandwich. At 6.00 pm with Relic Hunter on screen I went to get changed for a shower and gather up my washing. Shower on I had to slide it down the bar so that I wasn’t reaching my arms up to adjust it, in case I was ill, but also so that I could keep the water off my hair so I didn’t have to raise my arms above my head to dry it. There was a time I could bend down and put my head between my legs and practically kiss my week goodbye but these days I find the pregnancy very restrictive. One I dried myself off I put clean Superman lounge pants on with a black teeshirt to try and absorb any heat left in the UK and returned to the TV.                                                                              At 9.00 pm I wished Joey goodnight and locked his cage. I shan’t repeat what he said, mainly because I didn’t understand a word of it, but I know none of it included Thanks. I came back through to catch up on mail and found there was less than expected so I should be done by 11.25 pm.

Caturday. You know I had an early finish last night. I was glad of it but I still needed my read to wind down. It was a couple of minutes after midnight when I saw the landing lights (attached to the skirting board in the hall and looking like a plane should be coming in to land) were obscured by movement. Whilst in the throes of a heart attack I jumped out of bed quietly and grabbed a walking stick (with a very handy interior but unfortunately I’d forgotten to put the brandy in). Nobody appeared which was also scary but then a mrowf sound brought my eyes down to my neighbours cat sitting on the doormat waiting for the door to magically open. I hadn’t had the front door open since about 2.00 pm when my drugs came so I was really puzzled. I let him out giving his head a little fussle in relief.Once he’d gone I went round to check for open windows that maybe Sharon had left on Wednesday but no there were signs of a nesting cat on Mike’s bed but no means of ingress other than the front door. My heart was slowing down a bit now so I turned the light off for sleep which did not come easily  3.11 am was awake time. I went through to take my morning meds and have breakfast then take a coffee back to my desk and log on. Quite a bit of mail overnight. I was just about (temporarily) clear at 5.15 am so chose that time to go round and empty ashtrays and bins ready for the rubbish collection, I also did the food waste bin, my paper waste and plastic waste. It’s an everything day today but I don’t have many cans or glass so it will do until next time in two weeks.At 5.35 am I disinfected my hands and came back to work. I checked the forecast and it looks good today so I’ll go with a sport’s jacket again. By 6.50 am I’d managed to catch up again and was ready to go out for the bus in a couple of minutes. I lit a cigarette at the bus stop but had to put it out pretty damn quick when I saw the bus appear just before five past. I was at Tesco’s grabbing a trolley by 7.10 am. I saw a man hovering by the door and I wondered what for until he asked when they open and by moving near the automatic door I indicated they already had. I went to the cash machine and got my shopping money though I might already have enough. I started with the tatws and picked up some nice baby ones and some sweet ones too. Up to bread and I bought a small French Stick for tonight as the normal sliced bread is fine till Monday. I got Bert’s cakes and some biskwits for MuJo then went to look for my coffee pods. I found some but they didn’t have my favourite and no special deal like two for $7 or three for $10 (my keyboard is coming up with the hash sign instead of the  pound sign).They did at least have 3 different ones so I was OK. I treated myself to a small cocktail fruit trifle. Got some nice sliced meat to go on my French stick this evening got a couple of bottles of pop and a 6 pack of Lilt as it’s half price (and the sugar free version). I think the only other thing I got was 3 meals for during the week and tomorrow maybe. Mind you I have invited Yvonne, Ugo and the kids for lunch out somewhere so I don’t have to slave over a hot microwave. I was home by 8.10 am again and after unloading and putting away my grub I went back to work. I was clear by 10.30 am so went to sit in the lounge Ha, I can’t lie, but only because I couldn’t fool you. I went for a nap. I must have slept so soundly until 11.15 am that I missed Darren who delivered my last outstanding parcel. I checked my mail until midday when it was lunch time. I had chicken and chips, that is a chicken crown and some micro chips. I was watching something on TV but for the life of me I can’t remember what.                                                                                                                       The mail took up my attention during the afternoon but I packed it in at 4.40 pm as I’d had enough. I watched a charming little animation film Big Hero 6 and really enjoyed it. I also watched a chunk of the third LOTR films which I just love and think the battle scenes are amazing. But I definitely don’t fancy bringing  Gollum home to tea. I behaved myself and stopped watching even though it was still on at 9.00 pm. As it happens, I could probably have afforded to stay and watch the end. It’s only 11.20 pm and I’m practically done again.


Sunday. I turned the light off at 12.01 am. I’m not sure what time I woke but I lay there with my eyes scrunched tight attempting to stay there in the womb warm. I lay there till I could lay there no longer and got up at 1.47 am, all the time hoping I was in for an early map. That’s in case I want to do some early orienteering, ah, apparently I meant an early nap. I logged onto the computer and started on the mail. I worked until 3.00 am, had my meds and my breakfast then brought my coffee through to the desk. Then I just carried on working steadily until I had nothing left to work on. That was around half past nine. There were a few moments of blankness while I worked which had to be sorted as I cam round but I don’t appear to  have insulted any major world powers so should be safe another week. Once I finished this batch though I felt in need of something more than a little nod at the desk. I was going for the full blown kip or nothing. I settled in my chair, stretched just enough so that my feet lay on the cushions atop the little storage box I use as a footstool. I thought I’d give myself to the count of three to nod off, One. The next thing I know I can hear a voice penetrating the depths. I rise to the surface and get out of the chair as in walks my niece. ‘I wondered if you were in’ she said,’I’ve rung 4 times and texted you’. I explained my phone was in another room, ‘I tried the house phone too’ she told me. I explained it hadn’t gone off and was misbehaving these days anyway. I asked what she was there for (diplomatically) and it appeared she’d come fairly locally to buy something that once seen had proved insufficient. Would I like to come and help her find something else. Nothing would please me more so I went and got changed. It was 10.45 am. We went to Flint and in short order had found possibilities. We both shopped around for a few goods while she decided which items she wanted. Once she’d made up her mind we went to the right shop, bought them and took them to the car. We had a drink, me an iced coffee and Karen a Hot Chocolate with all the trimmings. Did I mention how nice it was today, no, well it was.                                                                                                     Having now fulfilled our mission we had a little look round one more shop and then went off for lunch. We went to the Bells and while I got the table Karen went to get drinks then I was expecting her back to look at the menu to see what she wanted and I could order and pay. She came back with the food tickets and she wouldn’t let me pay. This girl unfortunately has a will as strong as mine. We both had a carvery and we both enjoyed it. Eventually we finished and she brought me home. It was just after 3.00 pm so after saying goodbye I had no choice but to start work straight away. That, with a lot of effort took me until 6.15 pm. I broke off for me tea and some TV just till 9.00. I was enjoying the Marigold Hotel. It’s now 12.05 am because of tonight’s catch up. I’m done.

Have a wonderful week. Keep in mind that if you have a smile to share someone else may be desperate for one. Maybe a hug wouldn’t go amiss either. Keep working for peace and one day it might creep up on us. Hugs




























































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Might as well face it, I’m addicted to..fags.

Monday. Light off and ready to sleep at 12.36 am, and this morning rising was at 2.18 am not at all the fault of the cwtch sent to me yesterday as a sleep aid. We have between us possibly decided a reason for the short nights and stand ready to blame my addiction to tobacco and the need of the body to keep the levels topped up. This may be completely contrary to the truth of course as I have had longer nights without smoking and Michael who smokes as many cigarettes as I has no problem sleeping for over the eight hours if left alone. I accept we are different people though so the comparison may mean nothing nor the fact that he is older than I. I just like mentioning it.                                                        At 2.55 am I went through to the kitchen and put the washing machine on before taking my meds and having breakfast. Later I changed the machine to it’s drying cycle and left it, taking my coffee back to carry on working. Then of course I forgot all about the machine until I visited the kitchen at almost 9.00 am and everything was cold. Oops. It was almost 11.00 am before I actually got the post under control. I was expecting MuJo at any time between then and midday so I ran round spraying Febreeze where I could. The airspray onto the curtains and the fabric spray in the air, I’m sure it all evens out in the end. John came strolling down the path at 11.20 am and let himself in as I finished a piece of mail. I put my shoes on and went through to give him some biscuits to take home and two little spectacles cleaner devices. They’re very handy, cleaning both sides at the same time. They wear sunglasses a lot in  the car as well as glasses at home for reading. We were just about ready to go then so I threw my jacket on and grabbed my sticks. Within ten minuted we’d parked in town and were heading for John’s favourite charity shops (any that was open) before lunch. Three and an actual antique shop and we were over halfway down the street. I nipped into the old Town Hall to deliver some information on pension change for them to pass on for me then I joined MuJo at the antique shop where John had just bought himself a rapier. We went to lunch but he still used an ordinary knife.                                                                                                                 Afterwards we went to Flint as usual. While MuJo went inside the cafe straight away because of the cold I went to get the staff sweets and came back to a latte which Mu had ordered and paid for. We did a couple of shops after Tempies so Mu could get some birthday presents and by the time we’d done and driven home it was almost 4.00 pm. We went to collect the biscuits then I walked John back to the car for a goodbye cwtch from Mu. I ploughed straight into mail until 6.00 pm and then took a very drowsy break until 9.00 pm. Started work, now 11.49 and another 5 minutes should do it.

Tuesday. read until almost 12.30 am then light off. Woke at 2.32 am ready to do battle but I think poor Joey needs chance to recover yet. A quick check of my bank to make sure they haven’t run away then it was time for breakfast. Just so I can’t be accused of being predictable, I had my toast cold this morning and with jam on one slice. When I took my coffee back, I had a lot of mail to concentrate on.                                                                           I left the house at 7.00 am to catch my but but it sailed past me before I reached the stop. I walked back home to waste time before the next one but left the house an extra five minutes early. Typically I had to stand in the cold as this one was on time. I let Yvonne know I’d be half an hour later than usual and closed my eyes. After almost an hour and a half I arrived and had to bustle to meet them, I’d missed Reuben before he went to school. Amelie made up for it by almost bowling me over as she ran at me when I appeared an the cafe where they waited. We had  great morning together during which time I spent very little, and bought no clothes. I caught my bus home OK and stopped at the chippy on my way past sausage, chips, onion gravy and mushy peas. It didn’t take me long to plate up when I got in. I did remember to say hello to Joey as I turned the last of the news on. It was almost 2.00 pm before I got round to my mail and found a lot to be done. I did as much as I could and remain awake until giving up at 6.00 pm and then I can’t actually tell you what I did or what I watched until about 8.00 pm when I turned onto a Babylon 5 special I’d already missed an hour of. At 9.00 pm I turned the TV off, took my drugs then persuaded Joey to go back into his cage ( which is odd because I normally spend all day trying to get  him out). Currently 12.07 am and almost done but another ten minutes should see me clear. I’m not sure about reading tonight.

upstairs on the bus

Wednesday. Despite everything I decided to read a  two chapters so my light didn’t go out until 12.48 am but at least I was relaxed and ready to sleep. The package never comes with a guarantee though so I found myself wide awake again at 2.18 am. It’s not like I can say “beggar this for a game of soldiers, I’m gonna turn over and go back to sleep.” I could do that if partially awake and thoroughly enjoy it but I go from sleep to wakefulness in zero seconds flat. I read a few poems and managed a few likes before the time for drugs and my latest fix came upon me. Before I took anything though, the bread went in the toaster. Today I will eat my toast fully cold and cover it in a tasty blanket of butter. That was delicious. I take the last two tablets and make myself a coffee which I bring back to my desk.                                                                                                                                                There is excellent news in my mail, British Gas have come to their senses and amended both my gas and electric payments, the gas from £83 per month to £36 and amended my electric from £34 to £31 per month that’s a saving of £50 per month in total and a great help towards other bills. One message I read this morning mentioned a group and a song I hadn’t heard of but which was obviously both popular and well known. Though there was a link to it on the post I decided to look directly on Youtube for further information. It appeared the song was from the early 80’s but I didn’t recognise it. There was a bit of a delay with my going in to comment on the post as I got sidetracked by Elbow- Beautiful Day and then another called Starlings. I really am quite addicted to the former song and love receiving a message on my phone just to hear the opening bars. I think I’m becoming addicted to the group too as they’ve made some great tracks. Eventually I found my way back to work and commented, then started on some more until at 5.40 am there was nothing more in my post box so I went to try and nod off in my chair. It worked and I roused myself again at 7.05 am. I worked on mail until 8.30 am then took a break to see to Joey and his clean food and water. I stayed away from work for a while and kept an eye open for the postman. No sign so I had another hour on the post then came out to start peeling potatoes.It must have been about 11.45 am when I heard a knock at the door. I walked in that direction and saw a parcel in the letterbox so I thought that’s what it was but there was still a shadow outside. I opened the door to find a nurse asking to take some of Darren’s blood, I thought it a great excuse to send her away but didn’t. The signs of suffering are still on me from last week with this great big bruise but she didn’t seem bothered, she didn’t even check Darren’s date of birth ( and you never know it might have been different) but fair play, she took a bit of a run up and threw, she got the vein in my arm the first time before it had chance to hide. She stuck a little plaster on with the sticky bit over the wound. After she left I breathed a sigh of relief then realised I’d let her go without chocolates for the staff room. It did occur to me that might have been why she came.                                                                                                 My lunch was enjoyable though unusual, sweet potato mash and bacon. I had a little nap as soon as Bargain Hunt was over. It lasted until 2.35 pm. I went back to work until 4.30 pm then went to prepare for Dil. Since he’s won the last twice I need the win tonight. When he arrived we watched the end of Flog It together while chatting about who’s been up to what and where. Then, my poor arm weak from blood loss couldn’t shuffle and deal well so he took advantage and yet again beat me by 2-1. The only redeeming thing is in the crib I didn’t beat him, I annihilated him. When he went home at 9.00 pm and left me a shell of the man I was, I returned to work. 11.45 now and 5 mins will see me done.

I read an extra chapter last night because I’m a rebel and I can. Light out 12.53 am. I was very pleasantly surprised this morning to wake at 3.47 am. So if I read two extra chapters tonight I wonder if I’ll gain another hour for that one? OK so I was a little later than usual with my meds but no big deal I took those then enjoyed my breakfast. I took my coffee back to the desk and remembered it’s a Thursday so went into the bank to be sure my state pension has gone in. It has so I can carry on with Ebay for a while. I wonder whose birthday it is next. I broke off at 10.00 am for my HUtH and halfway through I heard the post arrive. It was quite a large cardboard envelope so I knew it was a book I was expecting for Amelie. I tore into it and found some A4 sheets of paper and a book mark but no sign of the book. I upended it and out it came, about three and a half inches square, the bookmark was bigger than the book. I re-read the description and to be fair  it does say 86mm square and I just misread it. A knock at the doorbell and it was the podiatrist who is without doubt a lovely person, right up to the moment she gets a scalpel in her hands. I suppose she would have  described what she did as debriding, I call it torture and the Hague Convention forbids it. She clipped my toenails right down so they should last me for ages like this.                                                                                                         By the time she left, it was getting on for lunch time so I settled on one of my chips and curry sauces. I’d just finished washing up when the knocker rang again and this time Bert from next door was coming in for a general moan at the world. He’d not long gone when I passed the front door and I opened it surprising Sharon who cast all her stuff to the floor and rushed for the loo. Bus journeys affect us the same way. I let her get her usual cup of tea then she was ready to wash my hair. She has a a very light touch and refuses to scratch my head as I like it but my hair is still very soft by the time she’s done.I concentrated on my mail while Sharon got on with her cleaning. She’s not best pleased today having just been told she’s going to be a grandma. Some people just aren’t ready for that, it automatically ages them. At 3.00 pm I paid Sharon, gave her some chocolates to cheer her up and wished her goodbye. It had been raining but had stopped. I thought I’d watch Escape to the Country which is code for have a sleep but it was fairly local to me and so I became very interested. No kip. I went back to work until 5.15 pm intending to watch a quiz but instead found a comedy on elsewhere. I watched that then another comedy, Had a little work break then came back for Jessica Fletcher to unmask a murderer. Then what I’d been waiting for, A new episode of Big Bang Theory and a new episode of Sheldon, perfect.Timed just right to take my meds and come through for the night. 11.25 pm and I’m done for the night.


                                                                          Ignored.                                                                         Friday. Lights out 12.15 am after a couple of chapters and my last ciggie of the night. Up this morning at 2.46 am. On my way to the loo I glanced in Mike’s bedroom, I know he’s away but more and more these days I get to feel that someone is there or someone should be. I know it was Ju’s bedroom as well and I’m always conscious of it. Some people may think I obsess about her but it’s just that there are so many reminders of her about that trigger nice memories. Anyway, on to the kitchen where having just remembered what day it is, I start to take my drugs and then refill my pots for the next week. At the same time I ready a new prescription request to take in. When I next find myself in the surgery I must ask about the online requests for drugs and appointments that they’ve started again. I put two slices of bread in the toaster ready for when I finish and ready my cup for my morning coffee. I have 4 diabetic tablets to take with my breakfast, it’s like pudding but BFG tastes  better.                                                                   Back at my desk I turn the  computer on ( I just showed it a bit of leg) and gird my loins or lions if you’re dyslexic for the battle ahead. Actually 44 seems OK but I know more are coming even as I type the words. It was 8.17 am when I was able to get up and go for a wee. I’d really have been in trouble with more mail. It was time for a break so I went to sit in the lounge for a while. Joey wasn’t interested in a silent partner and just kept squawking whenever it seemed I was dropping off. In exasperation I ended up filling a few small bottles from my big bottles of Pepsi Max and then I left Joey to it and came back through. I wanted to see HUtH but more mail had come in so I only had time to see the last fifteen minutes or  so. Then I just dozed off regardless of Joey and didn’t wake until 12.10 pm. For some reason last weekend I’d bought a sweet and sour chicken meal with rice. I put it in the bing then gave it a stir half way and set it going again. I have to say I dislike rice intensely and nothing today changed my mind. I had to eat some of the rice to get at the sauce but rice on it’s own is like a sponge taking all the moisture from my mouth. Then you have to swallow it dry but in a clump. The sauce was tasty and I ate a couple of pieces of the chicken. Not an experiment I’ll want to rush into again.                 I returned to work after Bargain Hunt but intended to come back for Escape to the Country whether I had mail or not. When I did return I found it was snooker they had on and it was the Welshman Mark Williams I was rooting for.                                                       None of the other afternoon programmes were on until the quiz at 5.15 pm so I returned to my desk at 4.00 pm. After the quiz I found myself dozing again until I was sharply awoken by the doorbell at 6.30 pm. I was delighted to see my cousin and her son whom she’d just collected from Uni and emptied his student lodgings as next year he move into a different house with a new group of students who share an interest of his in lizards and other reptiles. That’s going to be a very busy house at feeding time as everyone have their lizards there and he has three to join them. They left about 8.00 pm and I had Miss Fisher’s Mysteries on until I  came back through at 9.00 pm. Lots of mail but it’s not been too bad. 11.20 pm and I’m finished.

Saturday. I was asleep at midnight or thereabouts last night and woke this morning at 2.42 am. I went for a wee and to save time ( of which I’ve only got hours to waste) had a wash and then headed straight for the kitchen. I took half my meds, put some bread in the toaster then took the other half. Living fast and loose I had my toast warm today. One quarter then 2 tablets then the other three quarters and the final two tablets (till the next meal). I worked on mail till 5,30 am then took a shower and got dressed.(Yes, I did remember to dry myself first). I cleared the rest of the mail then went to put my waste food bin out. The other recycling bags aren’t full enough to worry about so I’ll do those next week with the main refuse collection. At 6.55 am I left to walk to the bus stop and at 7.10 am it arrived. Within 5 minutes I was at the supermarket getting a trolley then going to empty the cash machine. That should leave me in the position of playing loan shark to anyone who comes needing cash while I’m still here. I had a good waltz round the front of the store but couldn’t find any new potatoes this week, I added a couple of frozen dinners and had to waltz a bit quicker so they didn’t defrost. I got almost everything I needed but I was a bit peeved to see my Pepsi had jumped in price to even more than my usual supermarket. As I finished the shopping I had one of the girls use the freephone to call a taxi for me. It was there within 5 minutes and a couple of minuted later  just before 8.30 am I was home. After I’d put everything away I felt a little lost for a minute, hell I”d got all this time on my hands but what should I do with it?  I know, sleep but first I’d better check on my mail. That lasted till gone 10.00 am but then I did go for a nap with the sun shining outside it was glorious, just nice enough to close my eyes too. I came too about 11.20 am and decided to check my post before deciding on lunch. At 11.50 am I suddenly settled on the idea of some chips with gravy from the chippy and a couple of rounds of bread and butter. They were surprised to see me on a Saturday and I was a little surprised to be there given the shape of my stomach these days which has swallowed my hips whole. I walk round hoping my bum is big enough to stop my trousers reaching my ankles before the end of the day. As I got close to home my opposite neighbour Margaret was out being energetic with a rug. We chatted for a while before I excused myself and came in to have my chips with gravy to which I added lots of salt and vinegar. For all those out there who don’t know, a good bottle of Sarson’s malt vinegar is a necessity with chips, and salt, well that’s a necessity with everything. I use pink Himalayan rock salt.        For lunchtime I watched a little snooker but once lunch was over it was back to work where I stayed until 3.00 pm.  break then till 3.45 pm then to work until 5.00 pm when I was on my own time until 9.00 pm when I came back through. It’s 11.40 pm now and I’m almost done.

picture 3

Sunday. I read until 12.45 am last night  and somehow benefited from a bonus sleep by not getting up at 2.20 am as was first suggested (and refused) but staying exactly where I was until 4.04 am. Not a great gain perhaps but each one is a prize wrested from the grasp of Somnos and his minions.  ( No, not the little yellow ones in the movies). I did my usual morning routine, finishing up with bringing a coffee back to my desk. There wasn’t as much mail as  feared but it still kept me going until 7.40 am at which time I took my cup to the kitchen, opened Joey’s cage and plonked my bum firmly in  my chair for a kip . The only problem was it didn’t work. Instead I gave up and went to get dressed and apply my new beard oil ready for my morning visitors about 9.30 am.                                                9.30 am and the car pulled up outside. I went to get my jacket and off we went. We headed for the supermarket when Karen said she wanted to look for some clothes, when we got in there I was mesmerised by the sale rail and bought three shirts at £3 each. A steal so I hung on to the receipt in case anyone thought I had. Jo my other niece let slip that they’d really come here thinking they were helping me with my shopping which I had to explain I’d done yesterday but I still went on to buy the jumbo, family sized washing up liquid I can’t find anywhere else and two bottle of Pepsi Max. Karen didn’t find anything to wear but they both did some shopping and actually fought with me, a poor feeble old man when I wanted to pay everything all at once. I literally had to bounce them out of the way and send them packing…..my shopping mainly, remove the dividers between everything and then when the lady on the till had already scanned something I said she’d have to carry on now. Those girls have a terrible way with their elders. We  headed to Flint next and a drink at Tempies. I suggested to Karen she might like to try a shop called TOFS for a top and she actually found one. The other shop we’d supposedly gone there for was for Jo and she didn’t buy anything. I’m pretty sure they think I arrived fresh on a barge this morning. Eventually we got round to going for lunch and they wouldn’t let me pay. See what I have to put up with. They dropped me off and I waved as they raced away. Then I came inside and hid the new shirts, did I mention a jumper too? Time was 2.30 pm and time to start work. It took until 6.05 pm until I cleared the first lot so I went and relaxed in front of the TV. As usual I retired at 9.00 pm ready for the next onslaught. 11.21 pm and I’m just about done.

Have a wonderful week especially if you’re enjoying some nice Spring weather. Be nice and smile at people. Some of them will need it. If you can offer a hug to someone or even an ear make sure everybody’s day is improved by knowing you. The world has enough troubles so each one we can end improves the world.


Filed under Uncategorized

I guess that’s why they call it the Blues

Monday. Light off 12.40 am , light on 2.47 am. To the kitchen (via the loo of course) tp put my washing on then put bread in the toaster while I take my meds. Once the last pill was on it’s way down I plated up the toast and gave it a chance to cool down before slathering it with butter. I take 2 x 2 diabetic tablets while eating then once done I make my morning coffee to take back with me. The washing finished and I put it on a drying cycle before leaving the room to start work. It being the day after publishing a post there is always plenty of mail some of which requires replies and some newer ones where I need to visit their blog to like posts and perhaps follow if their ethos or sense of humour is similar. I just kept going until I woke up and it was 9.09 am when I should be at the chemists. I had nodded off in the middle of writing a comment and hadn’t started on the gobbledegook yet so I was pretty sure I hadn’t long nodded. I deleted my response to start again fresh. I got dressed and went out. It was a quick outing as it was just a letter needed posting and my prescription request to go in. Both in the same building luckily. Joey gave me a bollocking when I got home and I’ve no idea why so I just returned to work and found a skype message to say MuJo are on their way. That could mean anything like a visit to their chemist in Denbigh or even a shopping expedition so an hour’s trip could take from 9.00 am to 12.15 pm.                                                                     They arrived at 11.45 am after having taken a convoluted route and rested in a few traffic jams. I made sure to hand over the Easter Eggs first on the grounds that they were the oldest, any older and I’d have been singing Happy Birthday soon. Then I passed John his birthday gifts and the moment I saw his fingers twitch I told him to open them tomorrow. I got my jacket on so we could go. Poor John, his chin hit the floor when I reminded him that chippies don’t open on Mondays. We all decided to got to Top Bells but not until John has checked every Charity shop in town. By coincidence in the very first one Muriel found something she wanted. It was just gone 1.00 pm before we reached the cafe. I ordered cottage pie and a mug of tea. When we were finished we hit a couple of shops in town then set off for Flint. We had a look at some bathrooms as MuJo intend to refit the two in their house. While they were just getting some quotes I nipped over the road to pick up some sweets for the girls in Temptations then I walked over to meet MuJo there. Timed beautifully. We went in and I ordered our drinks and some cakes. Once finished I stood outside with a cigarette until they joined me and we had a walk round a couple of shops. I was dropped home at 4.30 pm and carried the gifts out to the car for them and waved them off. Before anything else I started trying to cut down the day’s backlog. Only till 6.00 pm though before I went in to see the news, a Royal baby born today. After that I found I couldn’t turn the flippin TV channel over so left Joey with a bit of noise and came through to make another effort. I turned off at 9.00 pm and concentrated. 11.09 pm and I’m almost ready to knock off for the night (Who shouted Skiver?)

blinded by the light

Tuesday. My light went off at midnight, another book finished. A lot of wriggling to get comfortable and I must have decided I was too hot for some reason as I woke at 1.36 am to go to the loo and I was freezing. I decided I could go back to sleep (covered up) which I did for another hour until 2.31 am. I breakfasted at 3.00 am making good use of the time it takes me to swallow pills by catching my toast as it shot out of the machine and juggling when I found it was hot. Who could possibly make the connection, toast and machine= heat. So, while I finished the tablets I allowed the toast and my hands to cool. I got the butter out of the fridge and grabbed a jar of strawberry jam too, the glass was nice and cool on my palms. One piece of toast I had jam on, cut in two and the second piece just butter, also cut in two. If I didn’t cut them in two I’d have both jam and butter residing in my moustache like pocket snacks all day.                                                                    I was due to leave the house at 8.00am to go for more bloods. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Slogging all the way up the hill in the pouring rain to a bus stop full of kids milling around before going to school. Nope I stayed home though I did ask Yvonne to phone and apologise for me. I think they’re coming here tomorrow now, or at least a district nurse is. I spent the morning working on mail but I was getting so confused I packed it in round 11.00 am and sat in the lounge. I don’t know how I didn’t nod off. I had new potatoes , a pastie and beans for lunch. I watched Bargain Hunt but nodded off before the end and only woke up at 2.10 pm. I returned to work but it was hard going. I stayed until almost 5.15 pm then left hoping for my Antique show which didn’t materialise. I stayed until 9.00 pm after which time I couldn’t put it off any longer without causing a log jam tomorrow. I’been here ever since and it’s 11.51 pm now. I hope to be reading by midnight,

Wednesday. I read until 12.33 am, just enough for two chapters of the new book. As I was settling down my eyes kept opening to look at the doorway as I felt watched. Mind you recently I’m forever feeling movement from inside my chair back and catching glances of things move out of the corner of my eye. I’m puddled of course………..or am I?                                Up time was 2.17 am which came on me naturally, I just realised my eyes were open so I checked the clock. Much better than striped I thought. I opened the computer to check my lottery ticket from last night. Well that was two minutes I’d never get back. It left me feeling glum as there’s a lot of good I could do with that as I’m sure I’d tell my chauffeur. Just before 3.00 am I headed for the kitchen to put a little washing on. A pair of new jeans and just a couple of shirts and jumpers. Then it was time for the pill popping and breakfast. When the washing was done I opened the door before setting the drying cycle. Oh Dear, my jeans were fine but my jumpers and shirts were trying to imitate them. I hadn’t remembered to put in an colour grabber sheets. With fingers crossed but no great hopes I reset the wash cycle , added the colour grabbers and turned it on. I generally like things that  co-ordinate but not like this. I was tempted to start singing Am I Blue by Billie Halliday but my voice is nothing like here so I settled for Elton John with I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues. I certainly had them this morning. When I went back later there was not much improvement though there was only one jumper I wouldn’t be able to wear. I set them all to dry. I forgot to return before taking my mug through at 6.00 am and the cycle was ended so I laid them on the airer, tutted at myself and went to my chair to see if I could manage a nap. I could till 7.14 am. Back to work until 10.00 am when Homes Under the Hammer came on. My body must have started to nod though my eyes were still open when a knock on the door startled me. I thought it was the nurse but no it was my friend from the chemist with some drugs I didn’t even know were short from yesterday’s delivery. I returned to the box and the inclination to nod which I fear was creeping up on me when I was jarred by an almighty Coo-ee from the front door. “It’s only the district nurse” she said coming in. A new one to me she was very pleasant. I bared my arm ready for blood to be taken as she rummaged through her bag for what she wanted. When ready she started tapping my arm in the hopes of a vein appearing “It was there two weeks ago” I told her. I had to bear my other arm as she tried there. No joy so another little rummage until she came up with a small needle, Returning to my first choice of arms she inserted it and started jer,jer.jiggling it to find the blood. It appears I’m a bloodless creature.  In desperation she taps the back of my hand and inserts the small butterfly needle there. That also necessitated a lot of wriggling until finally some blood appeared. Disappeared, Jiggle, appeared. It was very slow coming. She checked the form and found she could get away with 4ml for the diabetes tests so we sat, and sat until it reached that level. I had two cotton wool balls now ( Ladies, please) adorning my arm as she left. Within half an hour a gorgeous blue bruise appeared on the back of my hand. She’d gone by 11.00 am and so had my programme. I did send sweets up for the staff room so they know I remember them. I sent Dil a text cancelling tonight as I’m out of sorts and he immediately started worrying, did I need a doctor, should he come and see me for an hour later. I let him know I was just tired. 11.45 am I started on my lunch a beef dinner with added sliced beef I bought on Saturday. I watched Bargain Hunt then at 1.00 pm I turned off and closed my eyes. I was pleased when I woke to Joey’s squawk to see if was 2.30 pm so I came through here and found it was only 1.30 pm. Somnos wasn’t very generous with my nap. I caught up on my post again.                                                                                                                                 Work took up most of my afternoon until 4.30 pm antiques. But where I’d normally be relaxing at 6.00 pm I came through to clear more because I wanted a show on later that went through beyond my usual 9.00 pm barrier. When I finally did come through there was just too much to do and still get to bed so I put it off until the morning.

wet bottoms in store

Thursday. I read only until about midnight and put my light off. I’m not sure whether it was difficult to get to sleep or whether my Tango lessons were finally paying off and I was spinning round the bed. I woke at 2.51 am and I was flat on my back, one knee in the air and no covers on at all. I’m sure that’s not how the dance ends. Anyway, I went straight through to get my medication and put two slices of bread in the toaster while I swallowed and breathed what I was supposed to. My idiot toaster only does two thirds of a slice so I cut the other third off and left the rest to go cold. Once I’d eaten that I took a coffee back to my desk. First I had to deal with that I’d left from last night then happily there hadn’t been too much post this morning and by 5.45 am I was clear (for a while). I immediately headed for my favourite chair in the lounge. Feet up on my stool I settled back and closed my eyes. Joey squawked at me, probably swore, no doubt warning me about snoring or something (as if). “Hush Joey” I said as if he ever listens. He didn’t. The single squawk became a tirade as I received a major telling off. He was obviously not in the mood to take prisoners. I thought it best to ignore him hoping he’d got whatever it was off his chest.He had another go, no doubt telling me not to ignore him and to answer. That would be fine if I spoke budgie. The best I could do was repeat Joey, Joey, Joey a few times in a calm voice and hope he’d repeat his name in answer. He did and it was the most frustrated rendition ever as though it was being forced from his beak without being able to help it. It was now nearing 6.30 am and I closed my eyes again in Hope ( a village down the road near Wrexham). At some stage I nodded off in what was now peace and quiet only to be woken by another strangled squawk from him at just 7.07 am. I gave up, politely wished him good morning and returned to work. At 9.15 am I went to Pauline’s for bread and to see if she’d got her lottery terminal back in use. Seems not. I bought a loaf and managed to get 100 cigs as well. I crossed the road to the One-Stop. I managed to get another 100 cigs so I won’t run out before the Saturday shopping and I got my lottery but he ran me a ticket off too many, typically the dearest. I took it anyway. I went home with my ill gotten gains and put stuff away. I worked before and after HUtH but had a break for that and fought to keep my eyes open, especially if I was smoking. At 11.45 am I got my coat on and went to the chippy then came back and fille my face to the accompaniment of Bargain Hunt. Sharon sent a message to say she would be here at her usual time. I asked about a hairwash and the answer came back no prob.When she arrived I was mid message so she went to get herself a cuppa and start work. When I was free I went through and she dropped everything ( that’s gonna cost a bit to replace) and repaired to the bathroom where she applied the Vosene with vigour. Back to work again until 2.55 pm when Sharon goes when I went and paid her and gave her some chox in thanks. I had a short break till 4.30 pm then worked from 5.15 pm to 6.00 pm. That was it until 9.00 pm. I was really cross with myself that I missed half of The Great Antique Road Trip and the latest Big Bang Theory, at least I woke in time to take my meds and watch Sheldon.  At 9.00 pm it was a major into battle job to clear the days post before bed.

Friday. I was asleep by 12.15 last night and very disappointed to be up this morning at 1.41 am. Mind you it’ll be a lot of fun doing my drugs with my eyes closed, like some form of Russian Roulette. I waited until I’d taken today’s drugs and then replenished the trays for next week before indulging in my breakfast. Much as I fancied bacon, I settled for jam on toast. It was much later than usual when I took my coffee to work. Lots of mail waiting but by 6.30 am the flow had dried and I was just about there on the existing stuff. I decided to try having a kip in my chair. Next thing I know it’s 8.15 am, not that I had a conscience. I got dressed then looked what had happened to the mail while I slept. Productivity had happened and it took my till 9.55 am to catch up. I watched my HUtH and it was good but I think I missed the last few minutes because I woke up at 11.50 am and I needed my lunch. The mail would have to wait until 1.00 pm and it did. I kept my head down until 3.20 am before taking a break  then came back to it at 4.30 pm. I stayed this time until 5.50 pm when I decided I fancied a shower even if no-one was here. I’d make an effort to keep both my arms below my head. I managed it. I’ve yet to ask my cleaner if running her scrubbing brush down my back is in her contract, she’d have to take off those rubber gloves first though, or it reminds me of an operation. I was back in the lounge in time for the The Antique Road Trip which featured Philip ‘The Fox’ Serrell versus Arusha ‘Roo’ Irvine, a delectable feast for the eyes. They hemorrhaged money. This was followed by Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, another fine import from Australia which took me nicely up to 9.00 pm and time to come to work. I kept going nice and steadily while arguing with my daughter about shopping tomorrow as in I don’t want them to come here and do it with me. I made it clear I’ll get what I need and will still be happy to see them if they want to pop over. I know it won’t be for long because Ugo has football in the afternoon. And it can’t be early as the car is in the garage at 10.00 am. I decided to try and make an early night of it, bed by 11.00 pm, anything else can be dealt with in the morning which to be fair isn’t long away. Light off by 11.30 pm maybe, we’ll see.


The Swot

Saturday. OK, things didn’t quite go according to plan last night. I did manage to get to bed close to 11.00 pm as promised but I decided on two chapters last night which took me well beyond what I expected and had my light going off at 11.50 pm. I did not get to sleep straight away by any means but I did get there. I got up this morning at 3.42 am or though I first thought, when I put my glasses on it was only 1.42 am. I wish I could have said, “Right, I’m going back to bed”and fallen asleep again. Of course there was nothing stopping me from saying that or that many a mickle macks a muckle but saying it doesn’t make it so. I wasn’t in need of sleep at that moment. Instead I had the opportunity of attacking the last of my mail from last night and the first of today’s. At 3.00 am of course I went to take my meds and also have my breakfast. Just for a change and because I’m such a rebel I ate my toast hot. When I returned to my desk with a coffee I was ready to go back into battle. And battle I did with all the post thrown up overnight. But at 7.00 am I stopped and got dressed so that at 7.25 am I could leave the house for the bus. I caught it comfortably and road as far as Tesco’s in town where I got off, rounded up a trolley  and went to get some cash for my shopping. Just one machine working but it had enough.                                                                                                                                                    I took my time and found almost all I wanted. Perhaps missing just a couple of bottles of pop and some washing up liquid in the giant economy size. I used a freephone to call a taxi ans was home about 8.45 am this week. It took some time to put everything away and then I came through to pick up where I’d left off. Yvonne turned up at 10.45 am to let me know the car was outside. I put my screen to rest again and off I went. It took just a few minutes to get to town and I suggested the car-park we went to. Poor Amelie had to be woken from her seat in the back but she happily took my hand ( not easy when you’re using a crutch) and we we entered my favourite shop ‘Homies’. Yvonne doesn’t usually get chance to shop here, especially in a store this size, so she made the most of it. I picked up a few little gifts as I was going round. Once we’d finished, we went down into town proper and found here was entertainment on, bouncy castles, a DJ, a stall to help people start a business and best of all a face painter. Ugo took the kids there while Yvonne and I went to the Post Office and to a shop she wanted to look round. When we got back, they were just about ready so we went to lunch…..at John’s favourite Chippy, and he’s missed it the last couple of visits. As it came time for Ugo to play football he would drop me at home while Yvonne would take the kids home on the bus and their first ever trip Upstairs. Once home I settled into work again on catch up mode until almost 6.00 pm. and as usual I returned at 9.00 pm . It’s 11.53 pm at the moment and I’m almost done.

Sunday. I read two chapter which brought me to almost 12.30 am. It didn’t take me very long to get to sleep once my light was out. I woke at 2.25 am. I turned on the computer and did two or three messages while I waited for 3.00 am to appear. Once it did I left and headed for the kitchen and the morning doses. Once that was done I had breakfast and get this I had two rounds of warm toast one of which was a crust for a change. All faffing finished I grabbed my coffee and headed back to work. I’d left it with 17 and it was now up to 22. No hardship. Of course as I was working on them, more came in but by 5.15 am there came a temporary lull. You all know I drink a lot of Pepsi Max. but what you might not know is that I have a large bottle at my side when I work but use small bottles by the bed, on the table where I sit and next to my meds ready from the evening lot. I still get through quite a lot and always have one in the fridge getting cold. While I was in the kitchen this morning I counted 10 small empty bottles that needed refilling so that’s where I headed at 5.15 am. It’s not just the job itself which takes time, it’s the cleaning up afterwards as you will remember my hands shake.                                                                     At 9.00 am I went to watch a political news programme then followed on with a programme about what the punishment should be for those found to be carrying knives in the street. Some of those debates can get a little heated with the religious, the social aspect, the legal side and the families of knife victims. For once there wasn’t anyone saying it should be legalised as they would were it a drug related question. At 11.00 am I stayed sat down as I found an hour of love songs followed by an hour of Motown. My only disappointment in the first hour was the song Power of Love made famous by Jennifer Rush was instead performed (badly) by Celine Dion. During my Motown Hour there were so many treats, Smokey and the Miracles, Stevie, The Jacksons. Lionel Richie , The Commadores. But then came Frankie Valli (What?? This is a Motown Hour) Whoever signed him to the label wants shooting. Not because he doesn’t have a good voice but because he doesn’t sing Motown songs. The last ‘star’ was called Erykah Badu who not only didn’t sing Motown but to my delicate shell likes didn’t sing at all. I had a major problem even understanding her. I apologise to any of her fans here but you’re just starting out on your musical likes probably while I’m coming to an end of mine. Your day of being in my position will start when you first have children and go on from that day. Lunch was a beef dinner from the bing machine and I enjoyed it but I didn’t get my usual lime and lemonade as I do other weeks.                                                                                        The musical interlude had meant my mail was mounting up so I spent the next few hours on that. Glancing at the TV magazine this morning had shown a lot of new (to me) channels I could get so late in the afternoon I started flicking through.I found one called True Pictures and settled to watch a film. I was misled as they’re not true stories so perhaps the channel should have been called real pictures. It was entertaining nonetheless. I managed to have a bit of the Big Bang Theory I missed the other night, I only missed half this time. Next time round I should get the lot. Joey came out and flew round my head a few times, I shall have to check the top of my head in the mirror now. As usual I came through for my last catch up at 9.00 pm. It’s 11.27 pm now and I’m almost done for the day.

slightly drunk 2

As always I wish you all a glorious new week with weather that suits you. I think the UK forecast is pretty grim though. Share those hugs and smiles, you never know just who needs them. And please keep hoping for a peaceful solution to all the wars across the world. Don’t let the warmongers and weapons manufacturers win out. Someone please do me a favour and make sure Airforce 1 and 2 are both out of commission in July so Trump can’t get to my country.





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